
Delve deep into the world of makeup artistry as we unpack the enlightening beauty insights from a popular YouTube tutorial. Expect to gather impeccable makeup tips, tricks, and techniques as we decode the video “Glowing Summer Makeup Tutorial” by renowned makeup artist, Jamie Paige. Being an expert in the field, Jamie demonstrates the potential of makeup to enhance one’s natural beauty, while encouraging individualism, creativity, and a clean, fresh summer look.

Step-by-Step Guide

Jamie kicks off her tutorial by prepping her skin with a hydrating primer, emphasizing that a smooth, moisturized base is key to flawless makeup. Following this, she skillfully applies a light-coverage foundation, showing her dab and blend technique which leaves a beautiful, natural finish.

To give her face a sun-kissed look, she adds bronzer in strategic areas, such as the temples, cheekbones, and jawline. She then adds a hint of blush to the cheeks for a fresh pop of color.

The eyes are given undeniably attractive appeal with a sweep of champagne-toned eyeshadow, carefully reassuring us of the power of restraint when choosing eyeshadow colors for a soft, summery look. Finally, she completes her look with a nude pink lipstick, a go-to for this sun-drenched season.

Key Tips and Advice

Jamie’s tutorial underscores the importance of embracing a ‘less is more’ approach to summer makeup. Key takeaways include: always start with a good skincare base, use products sparingly to achieve a naturally enhancing look, dot and blend foundation for an even coverage, and use a champagne-toned eyeshadow for a subtle yet sophisticated finish.


Jamie Paige’s “Glowing Summer Makeup Tutorial” reveals the joy of personalizing your makeup routine to suit your personal style and the season’s trends. She encourages viewers to pair back on heavy, overdone makeup in favor of creating a softer, fresher look perfect for the summer months. Her approach reminds us how makeup should be fun and easy, and a way to highlight our best features.

Product and Tool Listing

Hydrating Primer – Essential for preparing your skin.
• Light-coverage Foundation – Offers subtle coverage while letting your skin breathe.
• Bronzer – Perfect for adding a touch of warmth for that sun-kissed look.
• Blush – To add a healthy flush.
• Champagne-toned eyeshadow – Ideal for a soft, summery eye makeup.
• Nude Pink Lipstick – A classic choice for summer.

This in-depth, step-by-step breakdown of Jamie Paige’s summer makeup tutorial demonstrates how makeup can be used as a tool for self-expression and creativity, encouraging readers to embrace their individuality through beauty. Whether you’re a makeup novice or an experienced aficionado, Jamie’s expert tips and techniques offer a wealth of inspiration for your beauty routine.


  • Posted April 17, 2024 12:38 am
    by @licorne9031

    I love the music you used!

  • Posted April 17, 2024 12:38 am
    by @farademan

    Very useful! 😍

  • Posted April 17, 2024 12:38 am
    by @arlyalfaro8664

    This Is Some Great Advice,You Got Another Subscriber!!!

  • Posted April 17, 2024 12:38 am
    by @cherryblossomist

    All these girls look pretty

  • Posted April 17, 2024 12:38 am
    by @BrittneyShadow

    I honestly can't tell what my face shape is :/ 
    I thought it was oval but now I'm not sure. 

  • Posted April 17, 2024 12:38 am
    by @tedoymisojos

    My face is going SOUTH so I guess I should ignore all the applications and do the one for square face? haha

  • Posted April 17, 2024 12:38 am
    by @lightnirvana2900

    The girl who stated to have square face on this video, she looks like oval to me. and the girl who stated to have oval/long shape face looks like square to me.

  • Posted April 17, 2024 12:38 am
    by @ccruz718

    Katie!!! I would buy blush from you anytime!

  • Posted April 17, 2024 12:38 am
    by @abc123cura

    The girl with heart shape looks so cute and pretty. 🙂

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